- Short Barrel Semi-auto Shotguns and Bullpup Shotguns require shotgun shotshell 2-3/4”-3”
- Bullpup shotguns need more power to reject the empty shot shell.
-It dosen’t reject less than 1300 fps load
-It dosen’t reject target or bird shell.
-It dosen’t reject less than 1-1/4 oz
(you can use this type shotshell, but you. must reject manuel for each shot)
-(34gr – 50gr ) or ( 11/4 oz - 13/4 oz) oz , to. perform effectively.
-Slug , Buckshot and Bigger than Size# 5. Shot shell perform effectively.
- Short Barrel semi-auto shotguns and Bullpup Shotguns cannot fire target shotshells or bird shotshells.
- Long barrel Semi auto shotguns work with enought power birdshots, but can’t work with target shoot shell.
- In most cases, Sipahi shotguns work 2-3/4 and 3" magnum shotshells, but if you want higher than 3", make sure the barrel stamp runs 3.5" or higher.
Except for some models, most of our shotguns can fire 12 cal and 3'' magnum shotshells. Check your barrel stamp if you need a different caliber or higher shell.
Before loading and shooting, ensure the barrel's inside is not blocked with anything or misfired.
**** After use or Assembling QUICK TIP ***
Shotguns with gas operating systems must be cleaned after 75 to 200 shots, depending on the combustion quality of the gunpowder.
After cleaning, relax the gas piston working on the barrel.
(Bullpup) Depending on the barrel, there may be nuts tightened in different directions. They are for contra lock. Please tighten each one as the manual instructs.
It should be seated in the fork's slot behind the barrel's hand guard.
Ensure the barrel lock is seated properly in the forend slot when securing the barrel to the stock.
Be sure to tighten the chamber cover and try to separate the forends from each other when checking the barrel.
Ensure that all parts are tightened and in order.
"If you have any questions or need information, just send us an email (info@sipahiusa.com) with a picture, and we'll respond quickly."